“You may delay but time will not!” Time is precious and it flies. It is the only thing that none of us are or rather will ever be able to hold. Why not give our kids a life lesson about a precious aspect of our lives by a simple, easy, and interesting activity. The activity is to
make their personalized hourglass creatively

The foremost thing that a parent expects from their child is to be disciplined, not only in the actions but also in a timely manner. It is very futile for us to expect from them to cooperate with this expectation as they don’t know or understand the concept of time. This activity will help them to at least initially understand the worth of time.

2 small water bottles or small jars
Transparent Tape
Decorative Items
Fill sand in one of the water bottles up to ¾ of the way
Cut a 2 cm hole in the middle of the band-aid and center the band-aid hole over the opening of your sand-filled water bottle, secure it to the bottle
Now, place the second water bottle upside down on top of the sand-filled water bottle
Wrap tape around where the two water bottles are connected
Now, decorate the hourglass as you wish
Learning Opportunity:
An hourglass, also known as sand clock helps to keep time
It helps to understand the changes and transitions fairly
It is rather a visual as well as a practical equipment integration which makes it easier to grasp the concept of time and avoid procrastination
It also is beneficial to learn problem-solving, reasoning and cooperative skills
An hourglass reinforces positive behavior management